We're hiring!
Piney Creek Watershed Association is seeking an Executive Director.
How to apply:
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to
by January 24th.
Position Description: Executive Director (ED) of the Piney Creek Watershed Association (PCWA)
PCWA Mission: “… to improve and protect the waters within the Piney Creek Watershed by educating the community about water pollution issues and performing service projects. We are dedicated to preserving, conserving, improving and monitoring the health of the Piney Creek Watershed waters.”
Specifics of Position: This is a flexible full-time exempt position averaging thirty-two (32) hours per week. The ED will manage their daily, weekly, and monthly work hours to accomplish all tasks while remaining in the annual hour allotment available. The ED may work some evenings and weekends to accomplish work tasks. PCWA will provide the necessary office materials and equipment for the ED to carry out the required responsibilities. Office space will be provided. The PCWA Executive Committee (EC) will be the Director’s supervising entity, with the ED as the direct supervisor of additional staff members. The EC will assist as needed with any necessary assistance in supervision tasks. These people shall serve at the will and pleasure of the PCWA Board.
Maintain office and storage spaces in an orderly manner.
Coordinate the maintenance of all equipment in working condition and ensure that supplies are available.
Maintain pertinent records in an organized manner.
Prepare and submit an overall association annual report to the board (in 1st quarter), assisted by other staff.
Oversee ordering of supplies and equipment as needed to continue operations.
Draft an annual budget for Financial Committee review; new budget to be presented to Board’s January meeting, beginning January 2024.
Ensure PCWA expenditures comply with PCWA policies and Board’s directives, with assistance from other staff.
Projects and Grants
ED will work with active Committee Chairs to oversee viability of committee actions on all PCWA projects from concept development through completion.
Assist Committees tasked with developing and managing fundraising as needed
Submit proposed grant applications to the Executive Board for approval.
Prepare financial and grant proposals to relevant organizations for funding.
Prepare and submit reports as required by project funders, stakeholders and partners, with appropriate assistance from other staff.
Provide ongoing project information to stakeholders, county, state and federal agencies, academic partners, landowners and all other parties involved in projects or direct same as prepared by other staff.
Provide consistent, timely and relevant project information to the Board of Directors.
Assist staff in recruiting and supervising volunteers for specific programs.
Participate in stream monitoring and cleanup projects.
Develop objectives that achieve PCWA’s strategic mission.
Develop and maintain good relationships with the Board of Directors and project partners, including local (city & county), state and federal agencies; academic institutions; business firms, landowners and conservation organizations.
Serve as PCWA spokesperson to agencies, media and the public at large or oversee same by other staff.
Maintain a working knowledge of technical watershed issues that pertain to the Piney Creek Watershed.
Organizational Development
Develop a positive working relationship with our constituents.
Work closely with the Board of Directors to plan objectives and strategies for both the short and long term.
Review any communication with our members and constituents’ newsletters, website, Facebook; review communication with printed, broadcasting, and online media as prepared by other staff.
Oversee and/or review planning and execution of an annual PCWA Water Event.
Volunteer and/or Staff, Membership Development & Management
Maintain a positive atmosphere which attracts, develops and motivates volunteers and members.
Ensure all volunteers sign a liability waiver before participating in an event.
Assist in all efforts to increase membership as well as garner volunteers for specific projects.
Outreach & Education
Review or oversee notifications to membership and public on special events/ projects utilizing social media as well as traditional (letters, calls, etc.) methods.
Promote water quality education to school groups and public organizations through presentations, discussions and public relations programs.
Review materials and presentations to be used at events and other outreach opportunities.
Assist with, and review, composition and distribution of newsletter.
Attend appropriate meetings, i.e., watershed development training and other interactive learning opportunities, as approved by the Board.
When appropriate, review media exposure of PCWA activities- i.e., on project sites and other opportunities.
Overall Responsibility of Executive Director
The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the association, under the supervision of the PCWA Executive Board. The director will plan, complete, and assess tasks that accomplish objectives in support of the overall strategic mission of the Piney Creek Watershed Association, while also overseeing the activities of other staff. The primary goals of the director are to increase the overall capacity of the organization, implement projects that improve the watershed, and promote the association within the community to gain and maintain support.
How to apply:
Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to pineycreekwatershedassociation@gmail.com by January 24th.